TotalSpaces for Mac 2.6.22 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for Mac 2.6.13 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for mac 2.5.4 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for mac 2.4.9 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for mac 2.3.9 定义你的屏幕网格 FotoMagico for mac 4.6.8 专业的电子相册制作工具 TotalSpaces 2.2.20 – 定义你的屏幕网格 最新破解版 Deckset for mac. TotalSpaces 2 在 官网上售价9美元,约合人民币54元 TotalSpaces 2 for Mac 2.6.22 介绍 一个易于使用的二维桌面网格。使用游标键(默认情况下与Shift-alt一起)导航,选择转换,并快速访问空间网格的鸟瞰视图,从而管理应用程序窗口。你甚至可以给出你的空格名。. TotalSpaces可以将桌面网格空间管理器带回OS X系统!让你的桌面更规整,可以选择你的转换成立方,幻灯片和其他效果,或者干脆将它们关闭,真正加快您的Mac速度。. TotalSpaces for Mac 2.6.13 定义你的屏幕网格 Vellum for Mac 2.0.4 电子书制作发布软件 TotalSpaces for mac 2.5.4 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for mac 2.4.9 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces for mac 2.3.9 定义你的屏幕网格 TotalSpaces 2.2.20 – 定义你的屏幕网格 最新破解版 Subtitles for mac 3.1 – 电影字幕查找工具 美剧专用版 最新.
Instead of the linear row of spaces provided by Mission Control, TotalSpaces2 lets you create a grid that you can navigate with keyboard shortcuts and gestures of the trackpad.
One of the most useful features of TotalSpaces2 is that it allows to assign certain applications to particular areas. This means that if you have a 3×3 grid, you can make sure your Twitter client is always in the upper left space and your email client is always in the center of the right.
Totalspaces 2.6.22 For Macos Windows 10
Switch from one application to another using the Command tab, by default displays the applications in the order in which they were most recently used. This means that your email client may require a different number of pressures tab every time you change it. By using TotalSpaces2 to assign it to a specific position on a grid, you can change it at will quickly and reliably.
TotalSpaces2 is especially useful in smaller screen devices such as the MacBook Air line. On larger screens can display two programs next to each other, however, on screens 13 “and smaller, things get very close if you try this.
With TotalSpaces2, you can ensure that the two programs you use regularly together as a browser for research and a text editor to write, are adjacent in the grid so you can quickly switch between them with a keyboard shortcut or a gesture.
Totalspaces 2.6.22 For Macos Free
- NEWTotalSpaces2 can be newly launched with System Integrity Protection fully enabled.
- FIXEDSUFeedURL related crash.
- FIXEDBlack screen issues during transitions in Sierra 10.12.4.
- IMPROVEDImproved updater version and security.
- FIXEDBackground image rendering in the overview grid when using the Lo res setting.
- FIXEDYou can no longer accidentally activate mission control or desktop expose by gestures or hotcorners when using the overview grid.
- IMPROVEDMuch better launch time of after mac has been rebooted.
- FIXEDTotalFinder windows can now be dragged correctly in the overview grid.
- NEWAdded support for held modifiers with Mouse button triggers.
- NEWAdded support for held modifiers with Hotcorner triggers.
- NEWAdded Mouse trigger for 'Single desktop exposé' action.
- NEWAdded 'Switch to previous space' action with hotkey, mouse button, and hotcorner triggers.
- NEWAdded a conflict checker when assigning a Mouse button trigger.
- NEWAdded Menu pane to Preferences with a handful of new preferences.
- NEWAdded 'Single desktop exposé' and 'Instant exposé' to the menu.
- IMPROVEDImproved App and Toolbar icons.
- IMPROVEDAdded a handful of helpful labels to the Preferences.
- IMPROVEDAdded support for 'Single desktop exposé' on OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
- FIXEDFixed hotkeys not working after first being set.
- FIXEDFixed 'Change space by moving mouse to the edge of the screen' not triggering on the right edge when using a tablet for mouse input.