Map Of Goblin Town


'Glamdring' by Paul Raymond Gregory
General Information
LocationCentral Misty Mountains east of Rivendell
DescriptionA series of tunnels and caverns inhabited by Goblins
People and History
InhabitantsOrcs of the Misty Mountains, Gollum, Nameless Things
EventsThorin and Company are captured by the Great Goblin
GalleryImages of Goblin-town

Goblin-town was a Goblin (or Orc) dwelling which lay under the Misty Mountains, ruled by the Great Goblin.

Goblin-town was a series of tunnels and caverns, which went all the way through the mountains, with a 'back door' (the Goblin-gate) near the Eagle's Eyrie in Wilderland, which served as a means of escape, and an access to the Wilderland.[1]A cave with a lake was deep beneath Goblin-town yet was connected to the Goblins' tunnels, with one passage leading to the 'back door'.[2]

Overview Map of the Southwest Other state maps: Arizona, California (North), California (South and Central), Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Wyoming Delorme Utah Atlas This is the best atlas for driving in Utah, showing all roads, paved and unpaved, right down to 4WD tracks and jeep trails.

Map Of Goblin Town
  1. Additional Information. This deed contributes to the Explorer of the Misty Mountains meta-deed.; See the Goblin-town Map.The Great Goblin's Den just needs to be found, not entered; approaching the instance portal will cause the deed to update, saying the location has been found without participating in the instance.
  2. Maps; Maps; Full Map of Eriador; Goblin Town Map; Falathlorn Homes Map; Thorin's Hall Homesteads Map; Shire Homes Map; Breeland Homes Map; Angmar Map; Bree-Lands Map; Old Forest Maze Map; Bree.
  3. In games terms lots of routes across and out from Goblin Town to escape, but lots of edges of platforms and walkways that will effectively trap any model that loses a fight whilst unlucky enough to be on the edge. That will result in lots of cases where double wounds will be being rolled for!
  4. City cemetery - At the cemetery (9), if you dig open the largest grave, in the center, you will gain access to a tunnel with a multitude of the undead inside. Inside, there also is a boss waiting for you and, if you reach the fork, one of the branches goes to the surface and the other to the chest in the city, which you cannot access from outside.


Long before the coming of the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, mysterious creatures were living in the caves.[2] Around T.A.2480 the Orcs of the Misty Mountains started making secret strongholds in the mountains blocking the passages towards Eriador[3] and expanded those caves, digging tunnels to connect them; without their knowledge they drove those slimy creatures into dark corners. One of those 'original owners' was Gollum, who was living in a nearby underground lake, feeding himself on raw fish and Goblins that he killed.[2]

The main gate of the town was in one of the passes of the Misty Mountains, but by T.A.2941[3] travellers learned to avoid that dangerous road and the goblins opened another under the safer High Pass (the Front Porch).[1]

During the journey to Lonely Mountain, Thorin and Company rested in a cave and were captured by the Goblins. They were brought before the Great Goblin, who accused them of spying, and was enraged when he found that Thorin was carrying Orcrist, a sword the Great Goblin remembered from Gondolin. With the help of Gandalf, the Great Goblin was slain and Bilbo and the Dwarves escaped, pursued by force of Goblins.[4]

[edit]Portrayal in adaptations

1977: The Hobbit (1977 film):

Goblin-town is, like in the book, a set of tunnels and caverns.

See Full List On

1989: The Hobbit (comic book):

Goblin-town is, like in the book, a set of tunnels and caverns.

How Do You Get To Goblin Town?

2003: The Hobbit (2003 video game):

Goblin-town is a giant Dwarven mining complex with many lifts, bridges and train carts to spice up the action of the level.

2007: The Lord of the Rings Online:

Map Of Goblin Town Lotro

Goblin-town is a large network of tunnels and caverns that is ruled by Ashûrz, the new 'Great Goblin'. Locations such as the Great Goblin's Throne Room and Gollum's Cave are visitable.

2012: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:

Goblin-town is portrayed as a giant system of caverns with sprawling wooden walkways. The goblins have a central hub of dwellings, with the Great Goblin's throne being in the center.

[edit]See also


  1. 1.01.1J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, 'Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire'
  2. Tolkien, The Hobbit, 'Riddles in the Dark'
  3. 3.03.1J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Appendix B, 'The Third Age'
  4. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, 'Over Hill and Under Hill'
Route of Thorin and Company
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